Sponsorship 2024

Sponsorship 2024 Details

The Dunne Golf Classic began in 2021. The tournament raises funds for Alberta Lung’s Breathing Space facility. Breathing Space will serve lung transplant patients and their families. This first-of-its-kind facility will be a home-away-from-home for those who don’t live in proximity to needed care. Breathing Space will provide a place to stay in a supportive environment, essential for a full recovery.

While one in five Canadians are living with lung disease, only four cities in Canada provide lung transplants: Edmonton, Vancouver, Winnipeg and Montreal. Lung disease can strike anyone: firefighters, athletes and children; lung disease does not differentiate.

The upcoming 4th Dunne Golf Classic will be at the prestigious Cottonwood Golf & Country Club on Thursday, July 18th, 2024.

The goal is to make a meaningful impact in our community. Breathing Space will serve families from across Alberta and Canada. Lung transplant patients must live in Edmonton for this life saving procedure. Both patient and a caregiver must be near to their medical team. The process extends for one month prior and three to twelve months post-surgery.

Alberta Lung Breathing Space

The 2024 Dunne Golf Classic offers a host of exciting opportunities for Sponsors. The sponsorship package outlines traditional benefits as well as new initiatives. Each benefit provides even greater visibility and interaction for Sponsors.

The 2024 Dunne Golf Classic will be the best tournament yet, featuring fundraising success and sponsor recognition. This tournament commits to ensuring that your investment yields maximum exposure, while achieving meaningful connections for your organization.

Please read and/or download the Sponsorship Menu 2024. This Sponsorship Menu provides detailed information about the various Sponsorship levels and associated benefits. Join us as a Sponsor and help make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Thank you for supporting the Annual Dunne Golf Classic. Together, we can make this year’s tournament an unforgettable success.